B&B L'AMACA ossia...
Ecco dove vivo e con chi vivo.. per ora!
Sono Laura, educatrice professionale di Genova. Dopo aver vissuto e lavorato 18 anni a Torino a marzo mi sono trasferita nelle marche. il bisogno di vivere a contatto con alberi, mare e animali era troppo forte, così come il voler seguire quello che sono. Volevo e voglio dar vita ad uno spazio in cui godere del suono della natura, della pace, dell'accoglienza e dello scambio. Vorrei anche l'Amaca sia una "officina" in cui fare e pensare, attraverso le attività via via proposte ...
Vi aspetto!
This is where I live and who I live with, well at least for now!
My name is Laura and I am a social worker from Genova. After living and working in the city of Turin for 18 years, I decided to move to Le Marche in March 2010. I was yearning for nature and really wished to live close to trees, animals and the sea. I felt the need to be true to myself.
Here at L'Amaca I want to create a place where people can enjoy the sound of nature and peace and experience exchange in a welcoming atmosphere.
I'd like L'Amaca to become a sort of 'factory' for new ways of thinking and living, through the various activities that it offers.
We are waiting for you...so come along!
This is where I live and who I live with, well at least for now!
My name is Laura and I am a social worker from Genova. After living and working in the city of Turin for 18 years, I decided to move to Le Marche in March 2010. I was yearning for nature and really wished to live close to trees, animals and the sea. I felt the need to be true to myself.
Here at L'Amaca I want to create a place where people can enjoy the sound of nature and peace and experience exchange in a welcoming atmosphere.
I'd like L'Amaca to become a sort of 'factory' for new ways of thinking and living, through the various activities that it offers.
We are waiting for you...so come along!
B&B L'AMACA chi siamo...
Lei è Topola! la mia coinquilina venuta con me da Torino..
This is Topola my flatmate who travelled with me from Turin
Lui è Romeo lo spasimante marchigiano di Topola...
This is Romeo the local suitor of Topola
io e Topola - Topola and me
Un fiore tra i fiori...
A flower between flowers
....e lui è Ninos de rua, l'ultimo arrivato, la mia disperazione!
...and this is Ninos de rua , the new kid in town, my pleasure and my pain!
...and this is Ninos de rua , the new kid in town, my pleasure and my pain!
Qui potrete anche vedere scoiattoli, volpi, fagiani, istrici
e molte specie di uccelli!
la mascotte del B&B!
..and this is Piero the proud donkey
our mascotte!